MoGA Inktober: join our geek challenge!

MoGA Inktober : rejoins notre défi geek! - MoGA

We decided to do like everyone else and launch our own Inktober , but our intentions are purely venal... And yes, our best sales come from a previous Inktober and it's deserved because the illustrations were really too cool!

Why Create Our Own Inktober?

This time, our illustrations won't be all geeky and they followed the original Inktober prompts. But this year, we're making our own version with lots of geeky words in it. So, are you up for the challenge?

MoGA Inktober Rules

Here is a quick reminder of the rules for participating:

  • One day, one word
  • A word, a drawing
  • Basically, Inktober is about ink, but we also accept digital creations!

The MoGA Touch: A Touch of Yellow

Attention, we are adding a new rule! The classic Inktober is black and white, but at MoGA, we add a little touch of yellow, and not just any yellow: the one from our logo, namely #FFDD30 .

So, the idea is to add a touch of this yellow in your illustration. It can be subtle or very marked, it's up to you to see how to integrate it into your creation.

A Geek Challenge for Artists

The ultimate goal? A collaboration with the artists who have received the most success. We will transform your drawings into beautiful physical paintings to exhibit. And who knows, maybe your work will end up in our next collection?

Latest Instructions

  • The format must be square.
  • The work must be signed.

Finally, don't forget to tag us using @MoGA and add the hashtag #MoGAinktober so we can find you easily!

Looking forward to seeing your creations!

We can’t wait to see what you create. This MoGA Inktober will be the perfect opportunity for you to share your geek passion and express your creativity. So grab your pens (or your tablet) and let’s get started!

See you tomorrow to discover your works. Ciao!
